A message from Achim Steiner
UNDP Administrator
Strengthening the rule of law and advancing human rights is an investment in people, peace, and the planet.
The United Nations Development Programme’s (UNDP) Global Programme on Strengthening the Rule of Law and Human Rights for Sustaining Peace and Fostering Development is a clear example of the kind of investment that is paying dividends and is helping us to realise the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda. This Annual Report provides an overview of the programme’s varied and valued contributions to strengthen the rule of law and human rights in nearly 40 crisis-affected contexts around the world.
In particular, it tells a story of UNDP’s demand-driven support that is provided at the request of national counterparts. This means that local needs take a lead role and support to them is tailored to measure. This principle also helps to ensure that the political environment enables transformative change.
The programme enables us to leverage expertise across the United Nations (UN) System to address complex challenges which may impede the rule of law and human rights. Such cooperation boosts the effectiveness and efficiency of our initiatives. Indeed, these highly-valued partnerships are translating into concrete results.
As a result of our Tripartite Partnership with the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and the Global Alliance for National Human Rights Institutions, UNDP launched a dedicated programme to build the capacities of oversight mechanisms and national human rights institutions in a number of African countries.
UNDP is committed to both maintaining; and building new rule of law and human rights partnerships to help UN Member States foster more peaceful, more just, and more inclusive societies -- to ensure that we leave no one behind.

Achim Steiner
UNDP Administrator